External Wireless Recycle Bin

This gadget should attend the most unnecesary invention contest. Have you ever considered the idea of buying 25oGb external hard disk drive to store your deleted files and recover them later if neccesary? People from Cagninadesign created exactly this type of gadget.

TEMPO is a unique hard drive storage device. Intended to protect the user from accidentally deleting files, it can also be used as an external storage device. As you delete files, they are automatically copied to the *TEMPO. As it fills up, led’s light the “can” from the bottom up, informing you of how much space is available.

I believe this idea is doomed to failure because who will want to spend few hundred dollars for recycle bin? The TEMPO storage device is just a concept for now but it has no future. Look at the pictures bellow to imagine how it will look like.

tempo storage

tempo storage

tempo storage

Info via cagninadesign.com

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